Tuesday, November 23, 2010
So here we are, Talmage and I have moved back to California for a while. Kenny is still in Georgia and waiting for the Army to decide when he is going to Korea, and once more when me and the boys will join him. Kenny is for now waiting to hear about a class that his commander Korea wants him to and if his commander here will put him in the class. If he does get into the class he will be in the states till February. If not he will possibly leave after Christmas, which I am so happy he gets to spend it with us and HOPEFULLY be here for the next little man to make his appearance( as long as the boy decides to come in a reasonable amount of time.) As for me and Talmage we are hanging out at my parents and getting ready for the new addition who is due on the 29th of December. I am excited and kinda nervous to how this whole single mom of two boys under two thing is gonna work, I really never thought that would be an occurrence in my life but here we go, bring it on. Lucky for me I do have my family around till we get settled into a routine(well whatever routine you can get out of a toddler and a newborn.) It should be a great adventure and hopefully we will be doubling the adventure by joining Kenny in Korea before to long.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
We took T to a little Pumpkin Patch, he had a Great time. Everything was so exciting, the small pumpkins were his favorite and the even smaller ones he tried to throw them and kick them. He was everywhere running and squealing. It was way fun and dang it Talmage was so cute!
Which is bigger, me or the pumpkin? I don't know its pretty close though. |
T was reaching for a pumpkin, he loved the little things. |
T and Kenny with the big pumpkins, by this point all he wanted to do was run around. |
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
We spent the last weekend down in Destin Florida, it is a little resort town and it was beautiful. Even though its October the water was still warm and the weather was great. It was fun to watch Talmage he had SO much fun! The beaches were so clean and the water was super blue. Overall it was a great mini vacation.
The pictures aren't in any order:
The pictures aren't in any order:
T loved trying to uncover our friend that buried himself. |
We decided to walk one of the beaches at sunset, it was beautiful. |
We went to a restaurant that had live Alligators out back, the food was not that great but the alligators were cool. T even got to pet one which he tried to hug. |
By the time we went for a walk T was done. |
This was the name of the seafood place we went. |
T loved walking along the beach, he was so tired but didn't want to leave at the end of the day. |
Talmage loved the water, except when a wave hit him in the face, he wasn't to crazy about that. He thought is was so fun to step in and out of the water and feel the sand move under his feet. |
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Last weekend we went with some friends to a bouldering place in Alabama called Horse Pens 40. While Kenny and Jerell climbed Monique and I watched T play with dirt, find sticks and rocks, try to climb up and down boulders on the ground. We had a good time and T loved being outside and getting dirty.
Boys getting ready to climb. |
Kenny starting a climb and T climbing on the ground. |
Talmage eating dirt |
Jerell climbing, thought it was a really cool picture. |
Talmage climbing on the big boy rocks. |
Talmage crawling around with an old man face, I just thought this was a funny picture. |
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Adventures with Super T!
Here are some updates on what we have been up to, we are trying to enjoy some of the sights here in Georgia before we leave. We also had the AMAZING opportunity to go visit my good friend Kathryn and her family in Texas. We went to the Stock Yards which were so cool, the Fort Worth zoo, the Dallas Temple, and celebrated Kathryn's Birthday! We had so much fun, Kathryn's little boy Luke and Talmage played and wrestled and had a great time and we had fun watching and playing right along with them. Talmage and I had a great time with the Peppers and are glad they let us come and visit.
We took Talmage to Atlanta Aquarium |
We stood at the big fish tank for about 20 min watching the fish, T kept looking and saying "ooo" |
There was a big whale slide at the aquarium and Kenny decided to send him down by himself, I'm still not sure if he liked it or not. |
By the end of the day he was pooped this was about five feet out of the aquarium door. |
We took an amazing trip to Texas to visit the Peppers(Kathryn, Drew, and their CUTE son Luke) Talmage was attached to Drew like white on rice. |
We went to the Fort Worth zoo and the boys had so much fun watching the animals. |
While we were there Kathryn had a Birthday. Yay! Happy Birthday Kathryn! We had so much fun in Texas, Thanks again for letting us come! |
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Boy number TWO
We are expecting our second baby boy December 29th, 2010. We are really excited! The baby looks really good and healthy so far and is already an active little monster. I think Talmage and Baby boy #2 will be a couple little wild men, we are excited to sit back buckle up and enjoy the wildness.
First Birthday
So on Wednesday the 11th Talmage turned one! We celebrated his Birthday that Saturday with a few friends along with good BBQ and cake made for a great day for our little big man. I can't believe he is already one year old, it seems like we were just in a little hospital in McCall, ID. At 8lbs 8 oz 21 in.(ok enough sentimental) Now at his 12 month appointment he is 23lbs 11oz and 28 1/2 in, he is walking(almost) and saying a few words here and there. He LOVES food, especially blueberry pancakes. He has the funniest sense of humor and loves to tease, he loves to laugh and play. Talmage is mildly crazy when it comes to moving around like a maniac. I am so excited to see what this little man turns into, at the same time he is already growing up way to fast, we are loving every minuet of it!
Here is Talmages' cake, it was supposed to be a soccer ball. |
T was really in to trying to grab the candle, awe my little pyro. |
He wasn't totally sure about eating the cake but he really liked playing with the frosting. Once Kenny helped him out a little he was way excited about the cake. |
mmm cake |
Look at that happy little man, all doped up on sugar. |
T got a pop up tunnel for his birthday and he LOVES it. |
Friday, August 6, 2010
So the other night we had a bit of excitement. I had spilled some butter in the oven and before I could clean it up I had decided to bake some rolls. Since there was still stuff on the bottom it started to smoke, because of the smoke we opened our doors to air out the house. Which it did in about 5 minuets. Apparently it caused a little problem because about 20 minuets later we got a knock on our back door and there was a fireman in his full uniform asking Kenny if everything was alright. When Kenny looked outside he noticed that there were four fire trucks around our house blocking off the roads and ready to save the day. Kenny assured him there was no fire and he left. A few min. later the fire chief comes knocking at our door and in his pj's, poor guy, and drilled us a bit making sure we were "fire safe." So we thought that was the end of it, not so much a little while after that an MP shows up at our door and has to write a report on the call. Finally our last visitor was a guy from the housing office making sure we didn't burn our kitchen down. By the end it was pretty dang hilarious. And who you asked sounded the alarm, none other than our lovely neighbors who could have walked five feet outside their door and knocked on ours instead of calling in the cavalry. It was a pretty eventful and funny evening all because I forgot to clean my oven. Moral of the story, clean your oven! other moral, neighbors are funny FUNNY people.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Blueberry Pancakes
Talmage loves to eat! His new found friend is Blueberry pancakes and these pictures were just to dang cute not to share. He had them everywhere and loved every minuet of it.
4th of July
We had the opportunity to spend this 4th of July in Washington DC. We stayed with my cousin who I haven't seen in three years. They have a little girl who is 7 months old and who is totally cute. Her and T had a great time together. We were there for four days and did a speed trip through a few of the sights. We walked most places which is the only way to go. Kenny had never been to DC and I hadn't been since the eighth grade so it was a great opportunity for both of us to see everything we could. We visited the Lincoln, Washington, World War II, Korean war, and Vietnam memorials as well as the Arlington Cemetery and part of the Museum of Natural History. We then got to watch fire works along with thousands of other people right next to the Washington Monument. It was an awesome show accompanied by the sounds of the US Navy band. It was awesome. This was probably the best vacation we have been on in a while and it was great to spend time with family.
Vietnam Memorial, T who loves to point, I really don't know who this person was but I thought it was a great picture.
My cousin and his adorable daughter Sophie at Arlington Cemetery
Fireworks and the Washington Memorial at night, SO AMAZING!!!
T and Kenny enjoying themselves in the city. T spent Three days straight in this backpack and loved every minuet of it, well except for the metro ride at the end of the night, hahaha.
Like Father Like Son, they were both looking at the Army Nurses statue.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Play and Work
We have been spending time playing, but when it comes chores Talmage is very helpful. He loves to go to the pool, we have gone a few times since we have been here in Georgia and I think it is T's new favorite past time. He loves to kick in the water and chase dad around the water. We have a future fish on our hands.

Kick Kick Kick, he will be swimming before we know it
Football anyone?

Helping mom sweep the floor.

And do the laundry, I fold he unfolds, works like a well oiled machine.

Kick Kick Kick, he will be swimming before we know it
Helping mom sweep the floor.
And do the laundry, I fold he unfolds, works like a well oiled machine.
And T's favorite cooking, he is in the kitchen more then I am pulling all the pots and pans and anything else he can get his hands on. I love this boy!
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