Sunday, June 27, 2010

Play and Work

We have been spending time playing, but when it comes chores Talmage is very helpful. He loves to go to the pool, we have gone a few times since we have been here in Georgia and I think it is T's new favorite past time. He loves to kick in the water and chase dad around the water. We have a future fish on our hands.

Kick Kick Kick, he will be swimming before we know it
Football anyone?

Helping mom sweep the floor.

And do the laundry, I fold he unfolds, works like a well oiled machine.

And T's favorite cooking, he is in the kitchen more then I am pulling all the pots and pans and anything else he can get his hands on. I love this boy!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! He has gotten so big! How old is he now? About a year? It looks like I should be grateful Dallin can't undo my housework so speedily yet.
