Tuesday, November 23, 2010


So here we are, Talmage and I have moved back to California for a while. Kenny is still in Georgia and waiting for the Army to decide when he is going to Korea, and once more when me and the boys will join him. Kenny is for now waiting to hear about a class that his commander Korea wants him to and if his commander here will put him in the class. If he does get into the class he will be in the states till February. If not he will possibly leave after Christmas, which I am so happy he gets to spend it with us and HOPEFULLY be here for the next little man to make his appearance( as long as the boy decides to come in a reasonable amount of time.) As for me and Talmage we are hanging out at my parents and getting ready for the new addition who is due on the 29th of December. I am excited and kinda nervous to how this whole single mom of two boys under two thing is gonna work, I really never thought that would be an occurrence in my life but here we go, bring it on. Lucky for me I do have my family around till we get settled into a routine(well whatever routine you can get out of a toddler and a newborn.) It should be a great adventure and hopefully we will be doubling the adventure by joining Kenny in Korea before to long.


  1. I think you will do fantastic! I am excited to hear all about your new adventures in Cali and in Korea... especially with the new baby!

  2. I hope you he can be with you when you have the baby! I hear you with the two kids... I'm nervous about having two kids 13 months apart. Call me when you are going crazy! I'll probably be going through the same thing.

  3. good luck on the new adventures! :)
