Friday, January 28, 2011


I have been thinking allot lately about where I am now and where I could have been today. Holy cow have things changed. As of now I am a giant bottle, clean diaper dispenser, story reader, smuggler, scream quieter, bath giver, cook, timeout bearer, playmate, sounding board, and prayer deliver. I now run from sun up to sun down caring for these two amazing little boys and being a supportive over the phone wife to my husband. This brings me to where I could have been, this last year I was discharged from the National Guard and I left school in order to be a stability for my little guys while there daddy was gone(well still is gone.) Had I stayed the course I was headed I would now be in Iraq as an officer working. I would be filing paperwork, helping to run medical procedures, wearing combat boots everyday and being watched by officers who make sure I did all I was supposed to. I would have gone home to a small living space with possibly a roommate to greet me instead of the two beautiful faces of my boys. I think about the switch that took me from soldier to soldiers wife. Instead of me running off to days of training I wait to hear how his training went, I now discipline babies instead of men that act like babies, I now read "If you give a moose a muffin" instead of field guides, write blogs instead or briefs,and I am no longer the one needing support but the supporter. It amazes me how different life is and how the roads curve in directions we never even imagine are possible. I have learned that no matter how we start out if we put our faith in the Lord no matter what point in the road we are at we will be lead in the directions we need to go, even if it is wearing messy hair and spitup instead of combat boots and dust. Even though I never imagined myself as a full time mom of two little boys and the wife of a soldier instead of being one myself I am so grateful for every minuet of it and would not change how things have ended up for any Army position I could have gotten.

T likes to climb up the steps and slide down the slide all by himself. Of course we are right there to catch the little dare devil.

T also loves to vacuum

Hunter is starting to look around more

T studying with grandma


Hunters first bath, and T helped

Monday, January 10, 2011

Mother of two!

Hunter David Gahley was born on December 29th, 2010! He was 7lbs 15oz 19.5inches long and came into this world happy and healthy. And I need to add that epidurals are my new best friend, holy AMAZING! He is such a happy little man, and is starting to become more alert and awake. Talmage loves him, he loves to stand there and stroke his head and really REALLY wants him to come play. He does not however like that Hunter takes up so much of moms' time. As soon as I pick Hunter up Talmage is right there wanting up on my lap too, its cute and heartbreaking at the same time because holding both at the same time does not always work. But I am so thankful that Talmage sees Hunter as something good(most of the time) instead of something evil. We are so happy to have both little men in our lives and I can't wait to watch them grow and play together.


So it has been a while since I last posted. We have been a little busy. First we were super excited to have Kenny home for Christmas, he flew in on the 19th of December and was able to stay till the 1st. Talmage was so happy to have his daddy here to play with, and gladly wrestled with him as much as he would wrestle(what can I say he is all boy, he even wrestles his stuffed animals and blankets.) While Kenny was here we basically just hung around and played, Kenny also built the boy and I some beautiful shelves that will come in really handy with all the stuff I am trying to keep in one room at my parents house. For Christmas we kept it pretty low key, but T had a great Christmas! He got new clothes, some great puzzles, and some fun toys. One of which is a push car that we can hardly keep him out of, he loves to ride around in it and go "vroom vroom." It was great to see family and friends and enjoy the wonderful little excitement that comes with a child on Christmas.