Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So I am finally updating my blog. We are FINALLY heading to Korea in 13 days, OH YEA !!!!! We are looking forward to being a family and having experiences as a family unit. So we will board a plane and travel for just shy of twelve hours and hopefully not anger the people around us. This should be an experience, hopefully a good one.
So now for the back trackage; T and H are two of the funniest little boys ever! These two keep me on my toes and rolling on the floor laughing. T loves to tease and joke and is a great communicator. He is a busy little guy, who runs and runs aund runs. He is learning to be polite, he is very good at saying please and thank you. He is also learning to say his prayers and we all have to kneel down. I love this kid! He loves his little brother, he is so good at making H laugh and comforts him when he cries. I think they have the makings to be great friends.
H is just about the happiest baby I have ever! He is always laughing and smiling. He has figured out that he can roll anywhere he wants to go, and hold on to your socks hes doing the baby shimmy up on his hands and knees. Yes folks we are about to have a mobile little man. Both boys are definatly healthy, at H's 6 month appt he was just shy of 20lbs and 25 inches. I love these little boys! So here are some pictures;
We apparently have milk breaks our house.

Trains and more trains

T helping his brother on the push car

H driving, he loves this push car

T builds and H drools

T at the petting zoo and the fair, I think we have a cowboy in the making ;)

Reading the paper while getting a diaper change, can we say potty time?

T playing in the blow up "poo"

Our countdown chain!!!

My two little hams!